What Does ‘La Dolce Vita’ Mean To You?

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La Dolce Vita, the sweet life, is a term I’ve grown to love because it embraces all that life should be. Ordinary everyday life is meant to be lived only a moment at a time, savored and cherished with a grateful attitude. For me, time spent with my family and friends over good food and conversation is the very best way to feel fully engaged in the moment. But La Dolce Vita means more than that.

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Maybe it’s the plum-hued wine that shimmers in the Mediterranean sunlight and dances delightfully on my tongue, or the warm hugs and kisses my Italian friends are so willing to bestow upon me each time we meet. I sigh whenever I see a passeggiata and find myself entertained as the elderly men of the village gather together on the piazza early each evening to share some guy time.

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My taste buds come alive with pleasure each time I taste authentic Italian food lovingly prepared by a nonna. La Dolce Vita ~ the sweet life is not just the pleasure of the senses, but a mindset of taking each moment of the day and savoring it. Life is a celebration in every way and meant to live slowly with mindfulness. Family and friends are everything and the Italian’s are passionate about each other. They are for the most part gregarious, fun-loving, affectionate and emotional. For me, La Dolce Vita is a summation of all of these things. 

Below is an assembly of random photos that I feel best expresses La Dolce Vita to me. I hope you enjoy them.



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What about you? Do you embrace the sweet life each day? How do you savor the moments? I’d love to hear your ideas so please feel free to share below.

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